A convenient form of nutrient supplementation for dairy replacement heifer development on pasture while also providing horn fly control. Contains Altosid which is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) to control the emergence of horn flies by interupting the horn fly life cycle. Also contains chelated minerals and Diamond V XPC yeast to optimize dry matter intake and help heifers improve reproductive performance during periods of stress. Ideal nutrient delivery format for heifers being raised on grass or high forage diets.
Contains 12% Crude Protein, 4% Crude Fat and 2.5% Crude Fiber
In general, feed one tub per 15 to 25 heifers. Begin feeding 30 days before expected temperature increases and horn flies are expected to appear. Continue use until cold weather marks the end of the horn fly season. Typical consumption is 0.33 to 0.5 lb per head per day. Place tubs within 100 ft of where animal congregate such as loafing, feeding and watering areas. Provide fresh, clean water at all times. DO NOT feed alongside other self-limiting nutritional supplements. Placement of tub after adult horn flies appear will require treatment of cattle with adult horn fly control products (sold separately).
Refer to the product label for complete feeding instructions and nutrient analyis. Consult with an Augusta Co-Op or Purina nutritionist for a complete heifer development program and feeding ration.
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